Balloon Birthday Surprise

A friend of mine emailed me a cute birthday story and I thought it would be a great time to share this idea, since I am celebrating my son's 4th birthday today.

Welcome guest blogger April!!!

Last week my baby girl celebrated her 3rd birthday. I wanted to do something really different and special for her. I'd just read an article in a magazine with all kinds of great ideas on how to make your little one feel special with surprises, and saw this really great idea. I wanted her to start her day off happy, so while she slept, the night before I blew up a ton of balloons and placed them all over her room until you couldn't see the floor. I also tied a few helium filled balloons to her bed, and to a little basket filled with Hanna Montana goodies on the floor (she is crazy about Hanna Montana). It was such a wonderful surprise for her. She even woke me up at 4a.m. to tell me so!!

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