Coffee & Words:: Take A Look In The Mirror

Do you look in the mirror and talk to yourself sometimes? Seriously do you?  It doesn't mean that you're crazy, it just means you probably are your biggest motivator and that's okay.

Image: Essence

When you look in the mirror what do you see?  Sometimes we have to remind ourselves that we are beautiful, and worthy of life. The things that sometimes causes us to be down and have self doubt you have to speak to those things in a positive way, whatever it may be. "I am worthy of having the success that I strive for, I am worthy of being a fabulous mom, I am worthy of being a great wife, I am worthy of having healthy friendships, I am worthy of God's love."  These are just a few things that may bring negative thoughts, and those are the things that you look in the mirror and speak back to yourself.

Ephesians 6:7 reads; "Work with enthusiasm, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.”  Sometimes in order for us to have that enthusiasm that God wants us to have, we have to speak the positive into our lives, by staring back at ourselves in the mirror and saying those words out loud.  That motivation and confidence comes from you being your own Biggest Fan!