Sometimes it's hard to believe that time gets away from you so quickly, only to find yourself holding on to nothing but wonderful memories of what once was. Watching Zane party with his little friends, made my heart melt. We asked him what his favorite part of the day was and he smiled and said his "friends" That just does something to me as a mom, knowing that my three year old already understands how important it is to have people to celebrate life with.
Being a mom is something so amazing and I never want to take it for granted, I even wonder if I am deserving of such an amazing role at times. My boys truly allow me to cherish each moment, even those moments when I want to pull my hair out, those are moments I look back at and find myself laughing with other moms. Each moment that we are given to do life should be cherished, even if those moments aren't some of our best, they are moments that we experience and learn from. "We should cherish each moment in life, as if it were our last."
Xoxo, Nycia