Coffee & Words:: Stop Being Tangled In The Negative

Do you find yourself holding on to the negative things in your life, because you feel like you have too? Things that stir up feelings of resentment, anger and nasty thoughts of someone or something. Well guess what? You have to let it go.  I have found myself in the past holding on to things that are no good for me and allow me to lose focus on the things that are important. The things that cloud my day and time, day after day, and I had to recognize those negative things were not of God and I had to let them go. Letting them go is like a load lifted right before you.

It's in our nature to hold on to certain things and certain people, even if we know it's toxic. Things that we know aren't good for us, but we are use to them, they become our normal. The people that we know pull us down and want to see us fail, but we hold on to them, because we want it to be right, or we want to make it right.  We have to learn to let go of things that are no good for us and move towards the positive that awaits us on a daily. And know it's ok to push the negative to the side and be done and walk away from all the junk that is holding you back.

In order for God to truly shine through, you have to let go of the negative things and people that are holding you back. That doesn't mean you walk away from people without love in your heart. You have to continue to walk in love and let God work in you and through you.   As I type this it brings me to the verse out of Matthew 5:16. "In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven."

Letting go of the negative, frees up space for positive thoughts, things and people.

Xoxo,  Nycia