Coffee & Words:: It's About Love

I don't know about you but February just reminds me of how special it is to be loved and to pour love out to others; through small gestures and of course lots of flowers and conversation hearts. 1 Corinthian's 13:13 reads; So faith, hope, love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is LOVE.

Love comes in so many different forms and learning to just simply tell someone you love them is OK and most of the time those words are so much more powerful than any monetary gift. Love is such a precious thing and it really allows one to feel a certain level of emotion for someone. From a hug, to a simple text message saying I am thinking of you.

This month I hope to spread a little more love and embrace where God is taking me on this journey of living life in LOVE. I hope you plan to do the same! Happy February!

