Coffee & Words:: By God's Grace

Hello Lovelies!!  
The silence on She Inspires these past few days was needed, but it feels good to be back. These past few days have been very emotional in so many ways, my little family and I moved out of our home of eight years into our temporary apartment, while our new home is being built, then the sudden loss of one of our close friends. 

The hubby and I looked at each other the other night in disbelief that we made it through our whirlwind of a week, but by the Grace of God we made it through.
In, 2 Corinthians 12:9 “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness"  It's amazing how no matter the circumstances, the pain, or the situation he is always there to comfort us and see us through, even when we feel like we can't climb up the steepest hill in our lives, he always gives us that push and allows us to climb back up to the top much stronger than before. He is constantly reminding us that His grace is abundant and that he shows up with great power in our weakness.

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