Do you ever, sit still in a moment and just let God really speak to you? I mean in the stillness, where you can seriously listen to him. I get so excited in those moments, and I even wish at times I could sit & have Coffee with God sitting across the table from me, where I can put a face with that oh so still voice. I am sharing this because, I crave more of him each day & I enjoy hearing God speak to me and letting me know what he wants of me.( I sometimes even ask the question, you want little old me to do what?)
I pray daily for God to make me a better vessel for his glory and when I pray that I know that may steps are ordered by him, and that it's no longer my doing, nor is it in my control. So a few years back when I woke up out of my sleep because God had placed She Inspires in my heart, I seriously had no clue what he wanted me to do & just last year I was led to start this blog She Inspires. A place to allow women to come and be inspired by all things lovely & whatever God puts on my little heart to share. I knew She Inspires would be more then just a blog, but wasn't sure what, until a few weeks ago. As I sat in church listening to my preacher speak about letting God take you to that next level, I was suddenly distracted by "She" and that wasn't all, God was showing me She Inspires would be a conference right at my church & it's almost like I could picture all the women sitting there connecting and letting go of every fear that is holding them back. The excitement that covered my body in that moment, I just couldn't shake. I text my friend Michelle, who is also my pastors wife, to say I need to meet with you soon, God has put a conference in my heart & I have to be obedient. With that being said, I knew from that moment there would be no turning back.
I have learned when God speaks you listen & even if you don't know how, what and who is going to be involved you just go forward and let faith carry you. She Inspires Experience is now in the works Feb 27th- 28th 2015, God will bring a couple of 100 women together to experience his presence through a creative conference. This creative conference driven by God, will allow women of all walks of life to be inspired, encouraged and to seek their calling, by walking in faith. We will connect through creative concepts, speakers and yummy food!! God is going to do some amazing things! She lives, She loves, She creates, She is led by God.
Registration is open today! Here
She Inspires Experience website will be up in the next few days with weekly updates & details of the conference.
She Inspires Experience website will be up in the next few days with weekly updates & details of the conference.