I sometimes crave those quiet moments at home, and as I type this, its one of those moments that I hardly get.. With the stillness comes a sense of blank thought and then rambling in my head. As a creative, I feel like my mind never stops thinking, there is always something to be thought of and an idea to bring to the surface. I often wonder if others think the way I think, I often wonder if I'm a little crazy in my own creative world some days.
I was recently reminded of the scripture out of Proverbs 8:11; For wisdom is better than rubies, And all the things one may desire cannot be compared with her.
Being creative and to allow your thinking to overflow, is to gain new wisdom each day. God want us to be wise servants, and with that comes creativity; to be wise in your creative thinking, to acknowledge your creativity. God wants us to be strong & bold in wisdom, so that we may withstand all evil that we are faced with. To be creative doesn't always mean, to create the next best party, or come up with the next best app. But to be creative in gaining knowledge of the word, and to create a life full of happiness, for everyone involved. To create, is to be fully aware of God presence in your life and to truly live your purpose & calling.
So next time you say "I am not creative" take the time to look around and pause in your existence and be reminded of the book of Proverbs.