Doing what I love brings me joy on a daily. I thought I would take the time to share with all of you, the five areas of focus in my life, that help me to give it my best.
What's Important-
the time on a daily to make a list and prioritize, and know what comes
first even if it has to be listed from most important to least
important. This has been an area in my busy life that I am constantly
working on. Focusing on what's important in our lives and not what
everyone else is doing allows us to be more productive.
Quiet time with God-
Taking the time to pray, and read the word each day, helps to clear your mind of distractions and allows a closeness with God. Opening up a simple daily devotional, pulling up the bible app on your phone and just reading a few verses a day, and letting the words speak to you throughout your day.
Passion & Purpose-
on our passion and purpose in life should be one of our ultimate goals,
and sometimes, it is easy to base that off of what the person next door
is doing, or what our friends think we should be doing. In reality we
have to seek what we have a love for and just go with it. A lot of times
what we are passionate about allows us to seek our purpose in life.
Do You-
the time for you, even if it's giving yourself a time out; away from
work, being mom, being wife or even friends and just "do you" I mean
sometimes unplugging and reflecting on you is very important and allows
us to find what's within. Completely being yourself and not seeking
approval from everyone around you.
Be Creative-
Think outside the box and be creative even if its setting the table for dinner two days out of the week or just leaving a card on your husbands car while he's at work saying, "I LOVE YOU" or just simply getting crafty with some projects around your home. Be creative and Be inspired to do the things that make you smile.