While growing up, I didn't necessarily know my worth; as a matter of fact, I thought I was dumb and not good enough in many areas of my life. Insecurities surfaced from all corners and the lack of confidence definitely overpowered it all. Then, one day, I opened my eyes and took a look around. I realized that I was worthy of it all, because my Lord and Savior tells me so in His Word.
“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” Eph. 2:10
Loving myself and dying to my fleshly being has brought me to a place of intention in my faith. It allows me to open myself up and truly live for Him. In addition, I have the opportunity to encourage other women to do the same. My purpose is to solely live for my Father---to not hold back---to walk in His complete grace and bring everyone around me along for the ride.
"We are not defined by our status, we are defined by our purpose."