Do you find yourself trying to make time to read the bible or your devotional and stay connected during the busy work week. Well here's a few Apps that keep us in the word while we are on the go during the busy week. Some days all it takes is 10 minutes of your time to get some fuel to take on the day. "The word of God is fuel to our soul. "
1. You Version Bible App- This App was one of the first bible apps that I put on my phone.. It always me to pull up the verse of the day right away. It's perfect for your daily uplifting.
2. She Reads Truth- Bible App that makes reading the bible organized, and it also connects women with a community of women that love reading the word.
3. First 5 App- This App will transform your time with God and all you to feel connected in a whole new way.
4. IF Gathering App- Once they released the IF App I knew I had to have it. Its a great tool for women to get rooted in the word with other women all over the world and feel at ease with studying the bible on a daily through daily words and encouragement. This App also has lovely photos!
Now go download one of these Apps and get plugged into the word..