Why are you trying to work it all out on your own? Why? Running after people that don't even belong in your life, trying to seek things that are not even worth having, trying to live the life that God doesn't have planned for you.
As women we are always trying to figure things out on our own and we get nothing accomplished from it. If, anything it just takes you steps back from where God is trying to take you and wears you down in the process. That word, "Control" weighs us down, we want to have it when we want it, we want it planned out accordingly, and at the same time we want God to lead.
God said he gives us the desires of our heart, so why can't you just pray over things and let him lead. You are probably thinking, "it's not that easy". You are right, It's not easy at times, but it definitely does make for a Faith walk full of happy.
There was a time in my life just a couple of years ago, where I was holding on to something in my life that didn't belong. The crazy thing is, I knew it wasn't meant to be, but I had this idea in my head that I could make it work. God spoke to me and said, "It's time to let go, it's not worth it." What I was holding onto was bringing me so much confusion and strife. I just had to be obedient, and when I let go, it was like a load of bricks lifted off my shoulders. During that time the devil was trying to plant all kinds of things in my head, and to be honest, I would let him get the best of me. All it took is the one day that I made it up in mind to really give it to God and let him remove what really didn't belong in the first place.
God truly knows what's best for us, and his timing is always perfect. The people he places in your life is for the best, the relationships that are not suppose to be, let them go. Remember it's okay to let go of the things that don't belong, it's for the best in this season of your life. Let God Be In Control. Say peace out to that thing that you know you need to let GO of!!!
He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations,I will be exalted in the earth." Psalm 46:10
Photo By: Be Fierce Photography