Five years ago, I felt like my identity was centered around me and my career “Nece” the wedding planner, that was my life and God nicely tossed that to the side and brought me to a place of building and when I say building, I was thinking building tables-scapes? I’m good at that.  No God said building a ministry- starting a platform to allow women like myself to shine for him and pursue a deeper side of their purpose. 

It wasn’t easy ladies; It wasn’t easy to say okay God I’ll do it and I’ll be great at it.  My response to him in the beginning was okay Lord, but I don’t know what I’m doing, I’m a wedding planner, I’m not a builder of dreams and definitely not good at speaking good over myself so how can I speak greatness over others.   But you know what ladies, God knows what we are capable of and he equips us to do all that he asks us to do.


Your purpose is all wrapped up in that thing that is in your Heart                                                                 

Ask yourself these questions. What I’m I suppose to be doing? Why I’m I not doing it? What did I start and now I’m stuck?  What made me start it in the first place?  

Also be reminded that sometimes we get into things that are not for us… Take a pause and really look at yourself in the mirror. Is it something you dreamed of doing since a child?  Are you picking it up because your friend is doing it and she’s good at it?  Don’t be a part of the Comparison game.

Fear will set in when you figure that thing out, but these 4 things below will help you to stick with it..



Have Faith

Find Your Tribe - People that speak positive over your life and push you out of your comfort zone.


When we have something that we want to pursue, it has to have some sort of emotion that it puts out, Whether its financial fulfillment, whether it makes you smile from ear to ear when you think about it. Or just that deep down in the gut feeling of happiness when you think about it? 

Now, you have all the emotions and fru fru feels about that thing.  So why aren’t you doing it? Or why aren’t you sticking with it?

 Who wants to look back and say I wish I would’ve, I should’ve because I could’ve?

 Now what does God think of us sticking with it.  How does he see you in your purpose?    


There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: Ecclesiastes 3:1

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

Now ask yourself:  Where do you see yourself in the next 2 years?

Whatever God has put in your heart to do, go do that thing with big faith knowing he has your back and stick with it.. Even if doesn’t make sense to people around you, even if you don’t feel equipped do it anyway!