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6 Apps to Help Anyone Look and Feel Better in 2015

Hello Ladies!! Welcome Tina back with her first guest post of the New Year!!

It’s a new year and everyone is looking to make this year better than the last. The New Year is the perfect time for anyone to set new goals and dream big for the future. But of course, setting and achieving new goals is never easy, and there are often a lot of distractions that can keep a person away from their highest potential. Luckily, there are a lot of great new technologies out there that can help anyone meet the goals that they are setting for 2015.

Everyone already has their mobile phone in their hands 24/7 already, so they might as well use it to achieve some of their New Year’s Resolutions. There are a lot of great apps that can help people meet whatever goals they have set for the New Year. These apps can be simple for anyone to use and will make achieving New Year’s goals so much easier. Here are six apps that can help anyone look and feel better in 2015.

The Rise nutrition app
One common New Year’s Resolution is to eat better, which is often too broad, but it is a great goal in general to have. The Rise app allows people to get advice from a registered dietician who can educate them on proper meal choices and how to eat to meet specific goals like weight loss. This is a great app to use with kids as well to establish healthy eating habits.

The ThirdLove bra sizing app
Every woman looks and feels better when her clothes fit her like a glove. The most important factor in clothing fit for women is a great fitting bra. Any woman can get this now without having to go through an embarrassing fitting at a boutique. The ThirdLove bra sizing app helps women find their perfect size to ensure the best fit every time.

The Nike+ fitness app
Another common goal in the New Year is to lose weight and get into shape. The Nike+ app helps people create and meet fitness goals. The app can track a person’s runs and progress in their workouts to make every sweat session more productive and fun.

The MyQuit Coach app
A very important health goal that many people try to accomplish every year is quitting smoking. Smoking is extremely damaging to a person’s health, and everyone should be working towards quitting smoking themselves and helping the people in their lives quit too. The MyQuit Coach app can give people the tools, resources, and extra encouragement that they need to stop smoking for good this year.

The My Fitness Pal calorie tracker app
Losing weight can help a person not only look better, but also feel better in a lot of different ways. Being one of the most common goals people set this time of year, there are a lot of great resources out there to help people lose the weight they need to be healthy. My Fitness Pal is one of the easiest calorie counting apps out there.

The Sleep Cycle app
A good night’s sleep is the base of overall health and wellbeing. Most people do not get enough sleep each night. The Sleep Cycle app can help people track their sleep and find methods to help them get more restful sleep each night.
