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Perceive it Pretty.... Words with Strength and Purpose by Hillarie Smith

At the beginning of each new year, I ask the Lord for a focus word for my year.  I am somewhat of a pilgrim, a traveler, who loves to journey with the Lord and learn from Him through my experiences.  This past year began with significant transition as I stepped down from a job and ministry that has defined my life for much of 10 years.  As I stared at the blank canvas, an unmapped journey ahead, I longed for a word of the year that would move me forward through the journey and struggle of transition.

 My word:  Awareness.  Awareness, by definition, is the ability to perceive, to feel or to be conscious of something.  In my prayer and study, the Lord led me to Isaiah 43:18-19 that says, “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.  See, I am doing a new thing!  Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?  I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.”  With “awareness” at the forefront of my mind throughout the year, I felt God continually calling me to find my identity not in my work, but in Him and His work!

God brings nourishment and provision in such sweet ways...through books, through experiences, through friends and family, and through words.  I have always loved to draw words and scripture on my chalkboard at home.  When I would draw out specific verses to see day after day on my chalkboard, the words would bring awareness of God’s powerful work in my life.  I have learned over the past year, that just as God spoke words and created the world, we also can speak words that have power to strengthen and build up or to shame and tear down.  We have a privilege and power to speak “strong words” to each other...words that bring nourishment and provision and help other hearts grow stronger. 

I moved from drawing on my own chalkboard to making custom chalkboard signs for friends in May of 2015 and began to see first-hand how “strong words” written out in a pretty way affected the hearts and souls of those who received them.  I knew in my heart that the new thing God was springing up in me was a little business called “Perceive It Pretty” in which I could make custom, permanent chalkboard signs that would help people perceive strong and encouraging words in a pretty way!  

With my business I have gotten to hear so many stories of people who are in different seasons with the struggles and joys of life who are clinging to words that make their hearts grow stronger.  It has been a privilege and joy to pray for my customers as I create their chalkboards.  I pray, with hope, that each person perceives the truth of the encouraging and powerful words written on her chalkboard, and that through those strong words her heart grows stronger!

Thanks so much Hillarie for sharing your love for what God has put in your heart, in this amazing season of growth and creativity. We look forward to seeing more of your work and sharing more of your journey on She Inspires. 

Go Follow Perceive It Pretty on Facebook & Instagram. You can also visit her website HERE

Introducing Lilac and Fig

I couldn't help but share this fun shoot from a sweet friend, whom I met last year and instantly became connected to, because of her love for God and people.  We actually connected via Instagram! I love social media in that way. What a blessing!

A couple of weeks ago I had the opportunity to be a part of her launch shoot. The shoot was full of laughs and connecting.  Coming together with other women and getting creative brings me so much joy!

Lilac & Fig provides services for small businesses and non-profits that will only further cultivate their brand and story - working alongside of them in implementing budget + user-friendly systems for their graphic, web, photography and marketing needs.

I am so excited for Kendra & Beth and I can't wait to see where God is taking them on this journey of serving and spreading the love of God through the things that they love. Go take a peak at Lilac and Fig and follow along with them as they dive into all the goodness to come..

Makayla's Story

This is Cheri here, with our first She Inspires feature of the year.. We figured we would end the week with one special girl! Here at She Inspires, women of all ages inspire us.  I want to introduce you to our little friend Makayla.  Makayla is twelve years old and is wise beyond her years.  She loves to read, loves art, loves her family, and mostly importantly love God.  When she grows up, she wants to become a Neurosurgeon. 
I met Makayla & her family several years and have since become great friends.  I have had the pleasure of photographing this sweet family throughout the years.  I have seen them at their best and I have seen them at their absolute worst.   Family sessions with them are always bittersweet, I love that I have been able to document these years.  The appreciation and joy that my images bring to them each and every year is priceless.   However, with each and every session there is a lump in my throat and often times we find tears burning our eyes because we see the fragility of life.   I see such raw happiness behind my camera, but I know they are fighting a raging battle.  Each day is a gift and what lies ahead is often times filled with uncertainty, but they handle each sharp turn with beauty, strength, faith, and grace.
So world, meet Makayla.  She is the face of strength, beauty, & grace.  A child of the King who is not defined by her illness, but fueled by it.   During the Summer of 2011 Makayla became extremely sick.  He illness started off with a horrible headache, progressed, and ended with a diagnosis of an incurable illness.  As a parent, you never want to hear the world incurable in conjunction with your child.  Makayla was formally diagnosed with Chiari Brain Malformation and Pseudotumor Cerebri
She has endured 26 surgeries during the last 3.5 years.  She still attends school, plays the Piano & Cello, and even in her most painful moments, has a smile on her face.  And her reasoning for wanting to become a neurosurgeon is fueled by her determined to find a cure for Chiari.   In her spare time you will find her studying the brain and reading medical books, YES, I said medical books.  Her room is full of them!! 
When she is not working on getting into Yale, she has a paint brush in hand or she is making paper cranes.  
Just this past month, she launched her very own website/e-store.  She continues to make sweet lemonade with life's lemons and inspires all those around her.  I truly believe if anyone is capable of becoming a neurosurgeon, this little lady can do it. She has perseverance, drive, determination, strength, and most importantly faith.  Follow her journey and become inspired.  This is a journey of courage, faith, & love at
 My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak, but God remains the strength of my heart; he is mine forever.
Psalm 73:26

She's A Dreamer:: Edgy Girl Rachel Lauren

Happy Monday! Cheri here with our first She's A Dreamer feature. This series allows us to highlight young girls that are really making a difference in doing what they love. The things that allow them to shine out loud and to push forward. Our first feature is a beautiful young lady that I had the privilege of hearing perform a couple of months back at a coffee shop. I was really drawn to her love for music and her beautiful sound. She is definitely a dreamer at heart! We welcome Edgy Girl Rachel Lauren to She Inspires!

Who is your biggest musical influence? 
Avril Lavigne

How would you describe your musical style?

How long have you been performing/singing/songwriting?
I have been singing and performing since I was very young, I would sing for my parents on Friday evenings - our family night. When I was 16, I discovered Avril Lavigne, and loved how she was different, and just this neat rock/pop girl who did her own thing. She really inspired me to write my own music, so I have been writing and playing guitar for 5 years ,since the age of 22.
What is currently in your electronic play list? A variety: Avril Lavigne, Lady Gaga, Mariana's Trench, The Ready Set, Taylor Swift, Keith Urban.
If you could perform anywhere, where would it be and why?
Paris because I think it's a beautiful city, and it would be an incredible place to perform.

What inspires you when songs?
My inspiration comes from the songs I write and the covers I do. I always put my heart into the songs I sing.

What advice would you give a young girl starting out? 
Be patient, don't be hard on yourself, have fun, and NEVER give up.

What are three items you cannot live without?
Guitar, IPhone, and chocolate.

What is one fun fact about you?
I like to bake and decorate cupcakes.

When can we catch your next show? 
My next show is Saturday evening, November 9th at Star coffee in Round Rock from 7 to 9pm. I will also be performing in the Christmas Stroll, December 10th in Georgetown TX.


Get Inspired:: Free Printable #1

printable/desktop wallpaper printable/desktop wallpaper

Hey everyone! It's Jess from Creative Index and I'm here to bring you the very first She Inspires download/printable. When Nycia sent me this quote, I thought it was perfect! Such a great reminder to live free of regrets and live a life full of joy, laughter and love!

If you download one of our freebies, we'd love to see! Snap a pic on Instagram and use hashtag #sheinspiresblog.
download wallpaper  download printable
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Reminder: Free for PERSONAL USE ONLY. They cannot be used for commercial use or edited and redistributed. Feel free to share/pin these downloads, but please link directly to this post and not the downloadable file. If you have any issues, please let us know! Thanks! :)