I hope you are still celebrating She Inspires with us today!!
When I sent the lovely Pastor Laura Koke a message recently to ask her to be a part of She Inspires for the launch, I wasn't sure what kind of response I would get. I just knew when bringing She Inspires blog to life I needed it to be spirit filled and loved on.
What the perfect woman to help us kick off this weeks launch! Laura Koke is such an amazing woman of God and always Shines SO BRIGHT. You can read more about her Here!!
Thanks so much Laura for the wonderful words and being a part of the She Inspires Launch !!!!
The King Always Has One More Move
you ever watched people play chess? I find it to be one of the most boring
games to watch. No offense if you’re a chess player! However, it’s actually
quite fascinating to observe. The players strategize several moves in advance,
taking extra caution to make sure the very next move is the correct one. It’s
serious and tedious! There are people who are experts at chess and literally
play the game for a lot of money. I don’t really know how to play or really
understand the strategy behind it all, but I can tell you something I do know
about the game and that is: once there is checkmate – it’s over. Whoever puts
the other player in checkmate wins the game. If you’re the one on the losing
side of checkmate in Chess, it’s not a good feeling because you’re basically
backed into a corner with no where to go. You cannot make one more move from
that point – you are done! However, something else I learned about chess is
this: If there is a king still on the chess board – there is always ONE MORE
can I ask you as you read this blog – is there an area of your life where you
feel backed into a corner and don’t think you have even one more move? Are
there feelings of hopelessness surrounding you? Is it checkmate for you?
Possibly in your marriage, with your kids, your finances, your health or bad
habits… Let me encourage you because though it may seem like checkmate – the
King of Kings is still in your game, cause He always has one more move on your
behalf! He’s living on the inside of you, helping you, fighting for you. Our
King always has one more move!!
was at the Red Sea; with mountains on either side and an army to his rear; but the King of Creation had one more move.
David seemed like a peon compared to Goliath, but the King had one more move. Lazarus was dead, but the King had one more move. They killed
Jesus… But the King defeated death,
hell and the grave. King Jesus
always has one more move!
us it may look impossible – but Our King always has one more move…. “With men
it may seem impossible, but with God – ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!”
King always has one more move!!