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DIY: "I Heart You" Valentines

I created these simple little heart goodies and when I say simple, I mean "easy peezy lemon squeezy"(in the words of my 6 yr old).  Using felt hearts, nestle heart crunch, a hole punch, double sided tape, and tags with "I ♥ You" Valentine. Place them in an envelope and off they go..

Xoxo~ Nycia

I ♥ Pillows....

As I search for inspiration for one of my clients, I spotted these heart filled pillows on Etsy.  An easy way to mix up your decor for Valentine's Day is to bring in ♥ pillows. Sure to set the mood!  

Heart Filled...

With Valentine's day right around the corner, thoughts of hearts consume me. So here's a few heart filled finds from Esty...

  Matchbox Valentine's Goodies


 Framed Hearts

Heart Magnets

Crochet Heart Appilque



I have really been in a red mood for the last couple of weeks, its definitely turning my head. I guess it's because of all the red hot decor, since V-DAY is just a few days away. Their is so much you can do with all things red, and it really can set a sassy, yet romantic tone for your event.. I just couldn't help but post the Red Hot reception that I spotted on, much kudos to the event planner, Karen Bussen

I also spotted some sizzlin red gift ideas, great for Bridesmaids..
Heart Shaped Earrings

Red Heart Ceramic Coasters