I attended the IF Gathering over the weekend here in Austin and I am completely in AWE of how amazing God is and how his presence was powerful in the room full of 2000 women all in one place for the same purpose. To seek more of HIM!!
When I decided I wanted to do a recap of my experience, I didn't realize it would be so difficult for me to gather my thoughts in a short blog post, because this IF thing is soooo "BIG"..I can't put into words just how BIG this was.. When I tell you God showed up and it was so AMAZING and it felt amazing to be amidst something so amazing! That's just one easy way to sum it up. My heart is so full.....from the weekend, and I feel like I have direction and clarity in so many areas of my own life.
One quote that stayed with me at the very beginning of Day One at IF, was a quote from Jennie Allen, "Move from a journal of sight to lives of FAITH" I know for me I want to see everything happening right before me, and I want to be able to see it and feel it coming my way or happening, through my planning, and in reality, God just wants us to trust him and have faith in him every step of the way. I truly learned so much from all the speakers and the worship was simply magical.
Jenn Hatmaker was on one of the speakers on Friday night and I love how transparent she is, "Give your heart permission to trust God." Amen sister!!
Saturday morning my friend Joy and I, got an early start, although we
are not morning gals, we were pretty excited to Gather at IF
for a second day, even if that meant getting up with the roosters.. We had coffee in hands and big smiles as we wait in line
with hundreds of women to fill our hearts for the day!
Christine Caine started the morning out on Saturday, that woman is so powerful. I had so much to take from her preaching on, Get Ready! "You can't get ready unless you are already ready.."she said we have to learn to serve in order to be ready for whatever God brings our way. "Set your foot and lean in, and let God lead." WOW!!
I was also really excited about hearing Bianca Olthoff speak, she is just so real and tells it like it is.. She spoke on, Walk It Out! "You have to walk it out, even when it's not working out." Can I get an Amen!! "You will always have problems when you are trying to fulfill God's promises, but nothing in our life intimidates God."
I could seriously go on and on about IF 2015. Learning more about Joshua's story over the weekend made me want to serve God that much more and dig that much deeper into the WORD! I left the two days with a full heart and a renewed spirit. I pray that God continues to let his presence be known for each woman that filled the place and I that I can be a true example of his unconditional love and faithfulness. Learning more about Joshua over the weekend made me want to serve God that much more!
I got to spend time with these lovelies at the IF Gathering and now we are planning our first IF table together in March. God is truly our rock and our lives are complete because he leads the way.