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Single & Living Fully by Krystle A. Barrington

Being single is not a tragedy. It is a season that lasts longer from some than others.  It is something we can either embrace or try to “fix.” While this season is precious and significant many times we are overwhelmed by the constant questions about our relationship status or maybe even the pressure of getting married. The uncertainty of the future has the potential to leave us feeling anxious and doubtful but the good news is that we can find complete peace in knowing that God is in control. We cannot embrace the season we are in if we allow everyone but Jesus to influence our thoughts. As such, the beginning of living fully as a single woman starts when we begin to trust in God’s good and perfect plan for our lives. 

And in Christ you have been brought to fullness. He is the head over every power or authority. Colossians 2:10 NIV

We cannot afford to be anxious for the future when God has plans for us right where we are. Through my own trial and error I’ve learned that true contentment is the ability to stand still where we are without beating ourselves up about the past or worrying about the future. I truly believe that when we are able to embrace the season we are in, that is when we position ourselves to be used by God. There is power in resting right where we are and when we do we are able to hear from God like never before. 

Our mindset can get a little cloudy when we allow spectators, society, and even our insecurities to influence our perspective on singleness. Rather than allow foolish timetables to influence our thoughts, we’ve got to let God renew our minds. When this happens, it only reinforces that God is so very intentional. Our God is loving, kind, perfect, and all knowing, and there is something about knowing that He knows what’s best for us. 

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. Romans 12:2

As single women we are not absent from purpose. No, we indeed have a unique opportunity to give God our undivided attention. I am personally grateful that God is willing to use us no matter what our circumstances look like. Even when we don’t have it all together God still wants to use us and speak to us. Getting to know Jesus Christ is the most important relationship we will ever find ourselves in. Even if we don’t have a ring on our finger or see marriage in sight, we can find fullness in God simply because we are His children. 

God is our father and He wants His daughters (YOU) to be loved, respected, cared for, and cherished. What happens many times is that we find ourselves growing impatient. We settle for what is convenient and we ignore the Holy Spirit telling us to run the other direction.  We decide that we know what’s best for us, all the while forgetting to include God in the process. Learning to trust in God is not an easy task. It takes discipline and daily reminders of who God is and how we ought to move through each season of our lives. The more we trust in God the more peace we will experience. He hasn’t forgotten about you, I promise!

When we learn to find contentment in the season we are in, that is when we can give our hearts and our minds to God wholeheartedly. Again, God wants to use us right where we are. I believe with all my heart that the only place we will ever find complete peace is when we learn to be content, joyful, productive, intentional and FULL of life in the season we are in.  

♥ Thanks Krystle for joining us here on She Inspires, we love having you! 

Ladies be sure to visit Krystle Barrington  at for more inspiration!