The thought of this subject makes me cringe a little. It's so real, and so common with so many moms. Are you one of those moms that juggles it all? Work, play, work and more play. I know how you feel, being a work from home mom myself can be a complete juggling act. Trying to juggle a growing business, along with two very excited and free spirited boys and be wife along with all the other wonderful things in life. Are you an eight to five working mom, a stay at home mom, a single mom, or a mom that has your own business. No matter what you do, you may experience some sort of guilt as a mom at times.
The guilt of not being so sure if you are being a good example to your kids some days, because you are in front of the computer working up contracts for clients or putting together details for a client. Or the days when you just have to put a movie on for the kids so you can make a few important calls, or the guilt of buying yourself a new pair of shoes, just because. Or even feeling guilty about having a little time away. The life of mommy doesn't come with a handbook, it doesn't come with a right or wrong way of juggling it all.
Being a good mom is really a matter of doing the things that work in your home, and some times a little guilt might creep in. Why? Because being a mom, we want what's best for our kids, we want to give them the world. We put pressure on ourselves to do it all and in the process we end up feeling guilty when things don't go exactly how we want it.
We have to stop doing this to ourselves and learn to accept that we are not perfect and that things work out for the best and we should embrace every moment we have with our kids, even when we have to share them with other important things in our lives. Stop being so hard on yourself as a mother and learn to embrace motherhood free of guilt. We wear so many hats as women and God made us this way because he knows we can handle it.