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Random Thoughts: Embracing The Moment.....

It's a beautiful day out today and  my sweet baby boy is sick.  Days like these make me appreciate the small things, being able to hold him in my arms while his big brown eyes stare up at me, being able to stop and take a look around me and know that I am truly blessed even in the moment.  Just embracing the beauty even when its not so pleasant, makes life worth it...

                                                              Enjoy your Weekend!

Xoxo~ Nycia

My Birthday BOY!

Today my oldest son Mason, turns 6! WOW,Does time fly! He is such a little man now and I truly enjoy each day with him; each conversation we have, each hug(even though I have to beg for them now), and each rock paper scissor moment. He truly does know how to make his mom feel special! Especially when he tells me he's impressed by something I do for him! Just melts my heart! I am truly blessed to be his mom...

When he woke up this morning I had a little surprise for him, daddy and I blew up balloons last night and put them in the room with a pale of birthday gifts for him to wake up to!  He loved it! Then we had birthday waffles with whip cream.  His birthday weekend is off to a great start! Now I'm off to get things ready for his skating party this weekend. Happy Birthday to my Mason!

My Photos

Xoxo~ Nycia

My Pride In Joy

I am getting the hang of this blogging thing, as you can tell. ;)

I figured I would take a break from details of a baby shower that I have this weekend and post a few photos of my pride and joy. My 2 year old son Mason. He is getting so big, I really enjoy having conversations with him. One of his favorite things to say right now is, "Mommy, lets go go"