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Coffee & Words: Strength In God Is Enough

What's your definition of strength? Is it the ability to lift a 150 pound weight, is it being able to hold in your emotions of hurt or grieving.  Is it the ability to wake up every morning with the will power to press through. Strength is more then just carrying the load, it's about walking in God's light and allowing him to carry you through any obstacle that you are faced with and doing so in a way that allows you be humble, calm and joyful.

You are probably thinking, what does she mean? What I am saying is, being strong is not about covering up the pain and hurt that you are dealing with, but being strong enough to stand up, look it in the eye and allowing God to guide you through. To allow your faith in God to give you the strength to climb out of that ditch or emotional slump you are in.

Joshua 1:9 reads, "Have I not commanded you? Be Strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."

I was having a conversation with a close friend recently, about how God revels himself to us on a daily, in order for us to feel his presence and to know that he is there for us. He gives us the strength; through his word, through his comfort, and by surrounding us around people that lift us up.
God allows us to walk tall with our heads held high, he wants us to hold his hand every step of life and allow him to order each step, without looking back.

Strength in God is enough!

XOXO, Nycia