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My Top 3 Daily Devotionals

I was hoping to share my top three devotionals with you guys sooner, but I am so happy to finally get this posted. I have a couple of go to devotionals.  I feel like we all need to be uplifted in the word of God on a daily and that perfect devotional can do just that..

Over the last few years, as I learn more about the word of God and allow myself to crave more, I have realized that not everything I read speaks to me the same way it might speak to someone else. I started a book club with a few women and we would gather once or twice a month and discuss our read. I  remember our very first book was The Confident Woman by Joyce Meyer. It really changed my life, and allowed me to view myself in a different way. I then received her devotional a couple of years later and I still to this day open it up from time to time. I call it my confident boost devotional.

Another devotional that has been amazing for me is Devotions for the God Girl by Hayley DiMarco.  It is the perfect devotional to reflect on your relationship with God and focusing on where he is taking you. 
Are you are Dreamer, Are you a Doer? Then this last devotional is a must have. My sweet friends Kelly Rucker & Jenn Sprinkle, have the perfect Devotional for that woman that's a  Dreamer & Doer.  31 Days of Prayer For The Dreamer + The Doer is definitely a must read. This book is currently the devotional that I carry with me..

We have to dig into the word more!!! What are some of your favorite devotionals?

You can purchase each of these books on Amazon.

What are some of your favorite devotionals?

Living Inspired: Dreaming Shelves

I'm sure I am not the only one that starts the New Year off dreaming up a wish list for better organization. For some reason the need to organize hits me right after the holidays. The need for more shelving is a must in my office this year it is definitely at the top of my list!

I'll even take a china cabinet like this one.....

Xoxo~ Nycia