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my thoughts

Having, Giving, Loving

My seven year old loves being around people and making new friends and I always find myself WOW'd by his curiosity for life and love for people. Recently I sat down with my hubby, to discuss our family goals for the year and Mason (my seven year old) felt like he needed to be involved.  He decided to write his own goals for the year. When I saw this, it brought me so much joy and at the same time made me think about my own personal goals of focus for the year that much deeper. I thought I would start the week off with these three words. "Having, Giving, Loving"



Having; Having and making those special moments in life really count. Cherishing and embracing those joyful times no matter what, you are going through or how busy life gets. Also being grateful for what you have and where you are in your life.

Giving; Giving more time to God, family, and close friends; encouraging others, volunteering, making time to just inspire the people around you and not always looking at a distance to be an example, but be an example with in your circle.

Loving; Loving like it's your last time. Being able to poor your heart out to people and love unconditionally, just as God loves us unconditionally.

These three things truly spoke to me, through my son and I hope they can speak to you too. As a mom, my boys keep me on my toes and inspire me on a daily!  Happy Monday!

The Bigger Picture

Lately I have been making to do lists, crossing them off, and starting all over again. Sometimes I feel like there is not enough time in the day and other days I just want to curl up with my boys and toss my list to the side.  Being a mom, a wife, juggling business and all the other things in life, sometimes consume me in a way that makes  me feel like nothings getting done, or should I say nothing is getting done as I planned it, or the feeling of, it's just not enough. The planner in me always wants things to happen when I want it to happen and in the timing that I want it to happen. When in reality God sometimes has other plans.. Anyone else feel this way?

I've learned that staying focused and looking at the bigger picture is really what makes a difference in my daily accomplishments. Learning to suck it up and just get things done, but doing so in a positive way. In a way that allows me to dream, and be inspired to "Think Big" on a daily. In a way that allows me to pick up where I left off the next day and things still work out.  That being said I am going into the week with a positive attitude and open mind and continuing to cross of my lists and dream BIG things....... 


Joys of Life....

I am starting my week with a heart full of joy and gratitude for all the things that God has put before me. Sometimes taking time to stop and look around at all the wonderful things in life that brings us joy are those same things that allow us to take a step forward  in our faith without looking back. This photo that I captured of my sweet boys over the weekend truly is an example of that for me.

I hope your week is full of lots of joy... Joy that allows you to walk in faith and not look back.

 Photo: My iPhone 

Hello 35

As I got out of bed this morning, I was over flowing with joy, but at the same time feeling a bit sad.  Not only is it my 35th birthday, my big boy is off to 2nd grade. He was so proud to go to school and it made me even more proud to be his mom.  

I realize life some times brings those emotions of joy and sadness all at the same time and those are the times that we just cherish every bit of what is coming our way. I have so much to be grateful for and turning another year older really allows me to look back and smile, about all the beautiful things in life that God has blessed me with.. My loving husband, kids, family, wonderful friends, being able to do what I love on a daily, joy and peace in my heart and most of all the ability to be loved and to0 love back. Here's to 35!

 Therefore, we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.  -11 Corinthians 4:16

Embracing Life

Over the weekend as we celebrated my big boys 7th birthday,  I was reminded of how quickly time flies and how precious life is and the importance of embracing every moment, no matter what.  Just a little bit over a week ago the hubby and I celebrated our 10 year anniversary, my mom made 10 years as a breast cancer survivor a few weeks back and next week I will be a whopping 35 years old.  I have so much to be grateful for and I never want to take things for granted. God truly has a way of allowing us to take a look around and just breath in all the small things in life that bring us joy, and at the same time enjoy life in a big way.. 
My birthday boy had a blast at his gaming party

My boys & I having lunch with daddy. (Zane didn't want to take this one)