Coffee & Words:: Comparison Stinks

Do you find yourself, comparing your life to the people around you? Wanting to be just like another mom, wife, business woman, or find yourself wanting what someone else has and want to be living the life that they live?

This is one subject dominating a lot of women these days and it stinks. Comparing yourself to everyone around you robs you of living life with complete joy and happiness.  I think we are all guilty of jealousy and comparison at some point in our lives.

 One scripture that sums it up, is in Galatians 6:4; Let everyone be sure that he is doing his very best, for then he will have the personal satisfaction of work well done and won't need to compare himself with someone else.  When you find yourself comparing, take a step back and look around you, look at all that you have and all that you are striving for. Think about what's best for you and let that be your motivation to focus on what really matters in your own life. DO YOU!!