She Shines:: Amy Vanderford with Divine Patina

I am so excited to introduce to you the very first She Shines feature on She Inspires. Once or twice a month we will be highlighting one fabulous woman under our new She Shines series. The first gal is so sweet and genuine and completely passionate about what she does. Her antique shop in Georgetown TX, Divine Patina is definitely one to visit. Amy Vanderford shares details of her journey and all the joy that it brings..

What inspires you?
I'm inspired by what I feel more than what I see.  I listen to the furniture and feel which color matches it.  I am also inspired by everything that I love.  I think if it makes me happy there is a good chance it will make others happy as well. 

What was your push and motivation when starting your business?
My family has always had an appreciation for antiques.  My grandmother and great grandmother were antique doll dealers.  I always thought it would be fun to have a store.  When my sister and I were little setting up a store with all Mom's pretty decorations was our favorite game!  I opened my first store, with a partner, 11 years ago in Georgetown.  We also had a store in Austin and Florence.  Then we closed them and I tried to get a "real Job" for a while.  I always knew this is what I wanted to do.  I was laid off in October of 2011 and couldn't find another job.  So I knew it was now or never. And God wasn't giving me any options!  So on my faith and my tax return I opened Divine Patina!  And of course a ton of help and support from friends and family.  And did I mention FAITH!! 

What's your design style?
I like a lot of color!  The great mint color is a color I bought to paint polka dots in my daughters room, the coral was a color I used in my bedroom.  My shop is a reflection of me, I'm not sure what the style is. Funky and colorful with a little hippie chick mix.  Oh and some of Grandma's antiques as well! 

What's one piece of information about your shop that you would like to share?
People ask me how I keep from taking everything in the store home.  Almost everything in my house has sentimental value.  Things that I got as gifts, or heirlooms from my family.  The things in the store are things that I have picked out to make someone else love their "things" as much as I love mine.  I believe you should look around your home and it should make you happy!  This is my way of spreading joy!                                                                                                                                     
What words of inspiration do you have for other aspiring business women? 
The most important advice I can give is have faith!  Faith that God will provide, faith in yourself that you can do it!  Faith that when you are doing what your soul purpose is the entire universe conspires to help you get there!  But you have to remember that faith isn't getting what you want when you want it.  It is getting what you need WHEN you need it...not one little second before most of the time!  It's a good thing I love what I do so much or I would be a nervous wreck worrying all of the time! 

What's one of your favorite quotes or words of inspiration? 
I suppose my mantra......

Om mani padme hum. It's Buddhist.  It translates into:
generosity, ethics, patience, diligence, renunciation, wisdom.

Which is basically do the next right thing and don't forget to breathe!
Breathing is pretty important. Take a few deep breaths, I say om mani padme hum while I breathe.  It grounds me.  Starting a business is really really hard!  But if it was easy everyone would do it!!  

Three things in your BAG?
1. pocket knife, always,  I'm from Texas and it comes in handy 2. lip gloss, of course! 3. random screws. I am forever finding random screws in my purse!  All shapes and sizes!  

Thanks so much Amy for stopping by to share your passion with us!!! You can visit Amy on Facebook HERE and visit her website HERE for details and shop location! It's a must visit!! 

 All photos: C Thompson Photography