Coffee & Words:: Life With Purpose

Sometimes trying to figure out things can cause you to over think and put a certain twist on things, it causes you to lose focus on the things that really matter.  Last year I gave a presentation for a moms group. It was such a fun experience to share my passion and love for life,  and how God has led me to do what I love on a daily. I feel so blessed!  During  my presentation I talked about  four focus areas that I feel have truly made a difference in my life and allow me to focus on my God given purpose.

What's Important-
Taking the time on a daily to make a list and prioritize, and know what comes first even if it has to be listed from most important to least important. This has been an area in my busy life that I am constantly working on. Focusing on what's important in your life allows us to be more productive and brings much more peace.

Focusing on our passion and purpose in life should be one of our ultimate goals, and sometimes, it is easy to base that off of what everyone around us is doing.  In reality we have to seek what we have a love for and just go with it, and let God take us there.  A lot of times what we are passionate about leads us to our purpose in life.
Do You-
Take the time for you, even if it's giving yourself a time out; away from work, being mom, being wife or even friends and just "do you" I mean sometimes unplugging and reflecting on you is very important and allows us to find  that inspiration needed to move forward. To do you is to completely be yourself and stop seeking approval from everyone around you.

Be Creative-
Think outside the box and be creative even if its setting the table for dinner once a week with beautiful flower, or leaving a card on your husbands car while he's at work saying, "I LOVE YOU" or just simply getting crafty with some DIY projects around your home or with a friend. Be creative and Be inspired to do the things that make you smile.