Coffee & Words:: Pleasing God, Not People

Do you ever feel like you are trying to please everyone around you, and you get distracted by the direction that God is trying to take you? We tend to ask God for direction, but then we are caught up in all the things around us, that cloud our path. It's so easy to get caught up in what people are saying and lose focus on where God is taking us.

I remember when I was starting my business 6 years ago, I wasn't really sure where I was headed, or should I say, where God was taking me on this journey, all I knew is that my business was not my doing at all, it was his doing. My focus was being a stay at home mom at the time and I thought that's all I would be doing for awhile. I started to look around and always thought I was being judged by sharing my time for the business with my two year old son and I was convinced that people were viewing me in a negative way. Although, God had put this business in me, and allowed me to gain the confidence to walk in faith and let him lead the way. I still questioned it from time to time, because of people.

Being concerned about people and what they think can hinder you from where God is trying to take you. Letting the wrong people in because it feels right, listening to negative talk or even comparing yourself to everyone around you. It reads in ,Colossians 3:23; "Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men." You can not concentrate on peoples thoughts of you, assumptions that are made, or judgemental character. Try to focus on pleasing GOD, because in the end that's all that really matters.