Guest Post:: Hosting a Fabulous Backyard Party

Summer is the time of the year when we all want to get outside and play. Nothing should stop you from doing that, and even more, you should create options for you and your friends to enjoy the outdoors even more this summer. It’s time to pull out the grill and begin planning a great backyard party.  For many of us, however, the idea of hosting a backyard party is a little scary. So many things to plan, schedule and arrange, it can get a little overwhelming! Fear not, you have come to the right place to get everything you need to plan a successful outdoor party. Here are some tips to help you host a fabulous backyard party this summer.

Plan for the weather
When you are planning an outdoor party, you need to be wary of the weather and the constraints that it can cause. You want to give your guests notice far enough ahead of time, so you will probably know the forecast before you begin your plans. Try to have options ready for any scenario to be best prepared. Have umbrellas and other options for shade set up in the case of extreme heat, or an indoor location that will make due if it rains on your parade. Hopefully, you will not need to use these options, but it is always good to be ready just in case.

Set up entertainment options
You want to make your party fun, first and foremost, so have a few different options set up for entertainment. Most parties thrive on uninhibited conversation, but you don’t want to rely on that alone. Give your guest some fun things to do, like yard games for an active group, or maybe just an option to watch satellite TV if your guests prefer a relaxing evening. These elements will keep everyone interested and engaged for the duration of your backyard party.

Make as much as you can before
This theory is true for many aspects of your party. Try to make everything you can before the day of. This can include food, decorations and even your outfit. You want to do as little as possible the day of your party to eliminate stress and potential problems, so plan ahead and make everything you can before. You can find great summer recipes that can be stored in the fridge and pulled out the next day as needed, and you can also arrange all the decorations before and simply place them in the desired spot the day of the party.

Relax and have fun!
No one likes a party pooper, and if you are running around your backyard party stressing about everything that could go wrong, you will be the party pooper. No one will be able to relax and enjoy themselves if you are not relaxed and happy. Kick up your heels and enjoy all the hard work you put into planning, arranging and setting up this party. You deserve to enjoy it more than anyone else there!

Thanks Tina for joining us today and kicking off this week with some summer fun!

Tina Hamilton is a journalist, blogger and social media guru. You can usually find her online or walking along one of Southern California’s beaches with her dog, Joey. You can find her on Twitter.